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Two PhD candidates in Computational Communication Science

Νοε 18, 2020 18:10

The Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) is the research institute for the Communication Science department at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. We are seeking two PhD candidates for participation in the NEWSFLOWS project, which is being funded by the European Research Council. The PhD tracks are part of the Political Communication programme group and the Computational Communication Science Amsterdam Lab. The candidate will work in close cooperation with the Digital Society Initative and the Digital Communication Methods Lab.

PhD Students in Natural Language Processing

Νοε 17, 2020 18:33

Zurich University of Applied Sciences is looking for highly motivated PhD Students in Natural Language Processing,

Institute of Applied Information Technology has acquired two major research projects for which we are looking for PhD students.

PhD Positions in Cancer Research at German Cancer Research Center

Νοε 17, 2020 18:28

The German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg invites international students holding a Master’s degree in (molecular) biology, (bio-)chemistry, (bio-)physics, computational biology, computer science, epidemiology/public health studies, health economics and related subjects to apply for the International PhD Program.

10 PhD Positions at the IMPRS for Molecular Organ Biology

Νοε 17, 2020 18:24

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular Organ Biology (IMPRS-MOB) offers fully funded positions to talented and enthusiastic students holding a relevant Master‘s degree. The IMPRS for Molecular Organ Biology is an excellent graduate program hosted by the MPI for Heart and Lung Research in Bad Nauheim and works in close collaboration with Goethe University (Frankfurt) and Justus Liebig University (Gießen). We are dedicated to train, mentor and educate young and talented doctoral students in life sciences and beyond.


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