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19/06-20/09/2017 - Training Course: Drama Queens (Τσεχία)

Απρ 24, 2017 14:22

Drama Queens is a 14 day training on the Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) with a focus on the method of Forum Theatre. The target group are LGBTQI activists and educators. This method offers empowerment to disadvantaged groups through the innovative cooperative artistic expression. It facilitates communication of dividing topics and resolution of fueled conflicts. TO allows transformation of audience's understanding of the topics by active involvement of spectators into the process. It is an effective tool for a social change.

09-29/07/2017 - English Law and Legal Methods Summer Programme 2017 (Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο)

Απρ 24, 2017 13:51

This well-respected three-week programme presents the central aspects of English law, with emphasis on the general structure of the law and legal methods. Teaching is through lectures and seminars. We aim to include: the development and structure of English law, the sources of English law, precedent and statutory interpretation, the courts and legal profession, private law (property, obligations, trusts, labour law, family law etc), public law (constitutional and administrative law), civil and criminal procedure. The typical week tab gives more information about the daily schedule.

28/08-06/09/2017 - Summer School on Fashion Management (Βέλγιο/Γαλλία)

Απρ 24, 2017 13:39

This summer school gives a comprehensive overview of the fashion industry (independent fashion designers and luxury brands) and their dynamics, with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and sustainability.
This programme is a collaboration between three prestigious schools: University of Antwerp (UAntwerp), Antwerp Management School and Institut Français de la Mode (IFM)

Attend this unique program that aims at growing managerial talents for the fashion industry, covering topics from fashion marketing and PR, to finance, supply chain management and leadership in fashion.

Oxford Royale Academy's summer programmes for ages 19-25 (Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο)

Απρ 24, 2017 13:33

Oxford Royale Academy's Oxford summer programmes for ages 19-25 provide the ultimate study abroad experience for undergraduate students. Whether enhancing subject matter knowledge in university holidays or improving workplace skills, students are sure to find something for them in our comprehensive suite of courses.


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