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Fulbright Master & PhD Fellowships, U.S.A. (2018-2019)

Μαρ 31, 2017 09:30

The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce the opportunity to compete for 2018-2019 Fulbright Student Fellowships for graduate study in the United States leading to a Master’s or Doctoral degree. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis to qualified candidates under the auspices of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Program, subject to the availability of funding.

PDEng position on optimum node placement and hands-off heat map measurement at the Eindhoven University of Technology in Holland

Μαρ 31, 2017 09:18

Post-Master PDEng position on optimum node placement and hands-off heat map measurement

in the Electro-Optical Communications Group, department of Electrical Engineering.

The ICT post-master designers program is a two-year salaried program in the field of technological design in Electrical Engineering. The program leads to a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) degree.

PDEng Trainee Design and Technology of Instrumentation at the Eindhoven University of Technology

Μαρ 31, 2017 09:17

During the first phase of nine months of the DTI program you will have a personal set of courses. The courses are geared around technological design (e.g. design processes, project management, entrepreneurship, modeling and statistics), personal development, and deepening your knowledge of physics and engineering. You will also be executing the first assignment in industry by doing a 'mini-project'. This project confronts you with the ongoing R&D real-life developments in industry.


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Erasmus Placement

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