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PhD Positions, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems , Germany (2017)

Μαρ 28, 2017 14:01

This new IMPRS, which is devoted to addressing some of the central contemporary themes in theoretical and computational physics, chemistry and material science, seeks young scientists for its doctoral programme. It offers excellent research facilities at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems as well as at its partner institutions in Germany–in particular the Technische Universität Dresden—the Czech Republic and Poland.

3 PhD Positions in Migration Studies, Danube University Krems, Austria (2017)

Μαρ 28, 2017 13:56

In close collaboration with other disciplines from the social- and natural sciences, life sciences, and engineering

06/08-01/09/2017 - The Bauhaus Summer School (Γερμανία)

Μαρ 28, 2017 12:02

The Bauhaus Summer School is the international summer programme of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and offers courses in:

15-17/05/2017 - International Spring School on Forefront Alloys and Advanced Materials for Extreme Conditions (Ιταλία)

Μαρ 28, 2017 11:42

International Spring School on Forefront Alloys and Advanced Materials for Extreme Conditions which will take place from May 15th to May 17th, 2017 at Chia Laguna Resort, in Sardinia, Italy.

The International Spring School on Forefront Alloys and Advanced Materials for Extreme Conditions will be a valuable opportunity for students and young generations to be specifically trained on the cutting edge science and technology intrinsic to the ICARUS & SUPERMAT projects.


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