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Forty (40) Undergraduate & Master Scholarships, University of Bologna, Italy (2016-2017)

Φεβ 04, 2016 09:49

In order to promote the attendance of international students in its degree programmes, the University of Bologna has funded 40 study grants for international students registering for A.Y. 2016-17 to the First, Single and Second Cycle Degree Programmes at University of Bologna, divided as follows:

- 8 study grants for students registering in First Cycle and Single Cycle degree programmes;
- 32 study grants for students registering in Second Cycle degree programmes.

Three (3) PhD Positions in distributed sensor data analytics, University of Twente, Netherlands (2016)

Φεβ 04, 2016 09:25

The Pervasive Systems research group of University of Twente is seeking qualified candidates for 3 PhD positions in the area of distributed sensor data analytics. These 3 PhD positions are embedded in three national projects, namely, COPAS, DCTrain, and Wildlife Monitoring.

- COPAS - The aim of the COPAS project is to design an energy management strategy for open spaces based on analysis of activities and profiles of visitors. Sensor data will be used to determine mobility and behavioral patterns of people.

Seven (7) PhD Scholarships in Behavioural Science, Radboud University, Netherlands (2016)

Φεβ 04, 2016 09:18

The Behavioural Science Institute (BSI) Graduate School offers talented Master’s students the opportunity to write a research project proposal and become a PhD candidate in Behavioural Science. Please write a short research proposal about a research topic of your choice that fits well with research conducted in the BSI. It should describe a study that you would like to conduct. We encourage multidisciplinary proposals and originality. Proposals must clearly be the applicant’s own work. If you are selected, your actual project may differ from your proposal.

Türkiye Scholarships for International Researchers & Academics, Turkey (2016)

Φεβ 04, 2016 09:06

Türkiye Scholarships has launched Research Fellowship Programme with an aim to encourage international researchers and academics to work with Turkish academics on collaborative researches in Turkey and contribute to the development of the international scientific interaction between researchers. Research Fellowship Programme is for a maximum of 12 months.


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