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04-07/05/2016 -Seminar "Quality Matters seminar – A cross sectoral approach to mobility projects within Erasmus+" (Poland)

Ιαν 25, 2016 09:31

Delivering high quality mobility placements is a key driver of the Erasmus+ programme and for those responsible for implementing KA1 mobility projects across Europe.

Three (3) PhD Positions in Hydraulics modelling for drilling automation, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands (2016)

Ιαν 25, 2016 09:30

In the scope of the European Union EID (European Industrial Doctorates) project HYDRA on 'HYdraulics modelling for DRilling Automation' the following three vacancies for Ph.D. positions are available:
PhD 1: at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (in the Dynamics and Control group) of the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, on 'Automatic model reduction techniques for hydraulic drilling models: modelling for estimation & control',

18-26/08/2016 - 5th Groningen Energy Summer School in Groningen (Netherlands)

Ιαν 25, 2016 09:18

The Groningen Energy Summer School 2016 for PhD students takes an interdisciplinary approach to the societal and technological dimensions of energy transition. By bringing together and combining a broad range of disciplines, this event will offer a unique opportunity to PhD students to become aware of different aspects of energy transition, to develop novel insights, and to create synergy in approaches to energy transition.

PhD Scholarships in Quantitative Social Science, University of Kent, UK (2016)

Ιαν 25, 2016 08:58

If you would like to study in University of Kent, United Kingdom and pursue Full Time Postgraduate Research Program in Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology you can avail Quantitative Social Science Phd Scholarships which is being offered by the University of Kent.

This is a Postgraduate Research Program Merit Based Scholarship and students are eligible from United Kingdom and International Students to apply for the same.


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