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21 PhD Positions in Autophagy research, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany (2016)

Δεκ 29, 2015 09:14

The SFB will be established as an interdisciplinary research network between the Goethe University Frankfurt a. M., the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, the Georg-Speyer-Haus in Frankfurt a. M. and the Institute of Molecular Biology gGmbH in Mainz. Projects within the SFB cover the complete range from molecular mechanisms of autophagy to functional studies in cellular models, model organisms and human disease models.

Research Fields
Biological sciences
Medical sciences
Pharmacological sciences

Three (3) PhD Scholarships, Faculty of Culture & Society Doctoral, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (2016)

Δεκ 29, 2015 09:00

If you would like to study in Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand and pursue Full Time Doctoral Program in Doctor of Education or Doctor of Philosophy you can avail Faculty of Culture and Society Doctoral Scholarships which is being offered by the Auckland University of Technology.

This is a Doctoral Program Merit Based Scholarship and Students are eligible from National and International Students to apply for the same.

2-4/3/2016 - Youth for Gender Equality Forum (Brussels, Belgium)

Δεκ 29, 2015 08:56

Apply now for the chance to be part of the first edition of the Youth for Gender Equality Forum that will be held in European Parliament in Brussels from 2-4 March 2016.


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