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11-15/07/2016 - Summer School in Human Rights Litigation (Budapest)

Δεκ 15, 2015 09:39

The “Open Society Justice Initiative” and “Central European University” invite applicants for the 2016 Summer School in Human Rights Litigation, to be held in Budapest from July 11 to 15.

25-27/4/2016 - Youth Event at the 7th Global Forum (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Δεκ 15, 2015 08:53

The “United Nations Alliance of Civilizations” (UNAOC) is pleased to announce the launch of the call for applications for the Youth Event at the 7th Global Forum hosted by the government of Azerbaijan from 25 to 27 April, 2016 in Baku. Up to 150 youth from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds with outstanding track records in intercultural dialogue and youth work will be selected to participate in the Youth Event (25 April), attend the Global Forum (26-27 April) and thus contribute to the global narrative on social inclusion.

25 Postdoctoral Fellowships, University of Liege, Belgium (2016-2017)

Δεκ 14, 2015 13:39

The University of Liege invites applications for twenty-five postdoctoral fellowships funded by the FP7-MSCA-COFUND “Be International PostDoc” postdoctoral programme.

Located near to the German and Dutch borders, the University of Liege (ULg) welcomes about 20,000 students on its 3 campuses (Liege, Arlon, Gembloux). It offers curricula in a comprehensive set of subjects. Teaching languages are French and in English.


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