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16-21/11/2015- Training course "Against Hate Speech with Non-Violent Communication (NVC)" (Luxembourg City, Luxembourg)

Ιουλ 16, 2015 11:26

Empowering youth activists with the practical tools to combat hate speech.

1. Recognizing what hate speech is.
➔ to understand/analyze the causes, manifestations, consequences and impact of hate speech.
➔ to learn how hate speech constitutes a human rights violation
➔ to develop participant’s knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for the promotion and protection of human rights.

2. Learning practically to use empathy as a tool to respond to hate speech.

25-31/10/2015- Training Course "N.I.C.E Learning – New Intervention with Creative Education to Youth Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship" (Bulgaria)

Ιουλ 16, 2015 11:24

N.I.C.E Learning aims to:
- Get Non Formal Education Awareness;
- Define Non Formal Education and Erasmus+;
- Understand Non Formal Education and Youthwork relation;
- Define Recognition measures of Non Formal Education;
- Drive Innovative models to promote Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship with NFE;
- Recognition, Certification and Youthpass for Youth Employment;
- Methodologies and Approaches on NFE;
- Define innovative evaluations systems with NFE.

HPC Application Performance Analyst at HLRS (Germany)

Ιουλ 16, 2015 11:23

The High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) is the first national supercomputing center in Germany. It offers services and support in the area of High Performance Computing to users from academia, research and industry. Additionally HLRS is one of the world leading institutions in the research fields of Supercomputing, Grid and Cloud Computing, and a member in the Cluster of Excellence on Simulation Technologies.

In the area of application support they offer a vacant position as HPC Application Performance Analyst (f/m).

28/9-3/10/2015- Training Course "EVS in Our Hands" (Prague - Toulcův dvůr, Czech Republic)

Ιουλ 16, 2015 11:19

Training course focusing on EVS (European Voluntary Service) coordinator’s potential and competencies to successfully manage their projects and to guide volunteers in their learning process.

We believe that the role and personality of EVS coordinator is crucial for proper development of their EVS organizations and for personal development of hosted EVS volunteers. But how to create an environment of trusting and beneficial relationship between coordinators and EVS volunteers? And at the same time how to follow all the claims which the EVS philosophy brings?


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