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23/06/2018 - Training Course | Circus pedagogy for youth workers (Ουγγαρία)

Μάιος 17, 2018 12:26

In a context where it is becoming increasingly hard to reach youngsters, we understand the importance of developing and delivering interesting and stimulating activities to better involve youth worker's target group aged between 13 and 30.

12-15/06/2018 - Training Course | Lick into Shape (Μάλτα)

Μάιος 17, 2018 12:21

This training will be an opportunity for trainers to further develop their skills and competences and to get updated with the latest development of Erasmus+ concerning Volunteering Activities and the European Solidarity Corps.


12-26/08/2018 - Bucharest Summer University (Ρουμανία)

Μάιος 17, 2018 12:17


The Bucharest Summer University is an international cultural and academic event, which will take place between the 12th and the 26th of August 2018, focusing on economic problems and related fields of interest and has as a main objective to promote common academic values. T

ogether with speakers and professors from top universities and companies around the world, 55 participants will spend 2 weeks in the campus of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies including one extended weekend exploring particular destinations across the country.


19-22/06/2018 - 13th System of Systems Engineering Conference (Γαλλία)

Μάιος 17, 2018 12:02

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE – 13th System of Systems Engineering Conference, it is a great honor and pleasure to welcome you in Paris.


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