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Eθελοντές στο Ευρωμεσογειακό Έργο: Capacity Building Relay Race

Μάιος 16, 2015 21:59

Το Κέντρο Μέριμνας Οικογένειας και Παιδιού (ΚΜΟΠ) ζητάει νέους και νέες, άνεργους/-ες, ηλικίας από 25 έως 35 ετών, για να συμμετάσχουν αρχικά σε τρίμηνο πρόγραμμα κινητικότητας με σκοπό να εργαστούν εθελοντικά στην Ιορδανία (στις πόλεις Μάνταμπα και ‘Ιρμπιντ) και στη συνέχεια σε τρίμηνο πρόγραμμα πρακτικής άσκησης στην Αθήνα.

A Procurement Law Summer School on The New EU Public Procurement Directives

Μάιος 16, 2015 21:51

In September 2015, the Faculty of Law of the Portuguese Catholic University will be offering a Procurement Law Summer School on The New EU Public Procurement Directives. The European Documentation Centre of this University promotes this Programme.

The Procurement Law Summer School is going to be divided into two complementary programmes.

Training Programme by the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights

Μάιος 16, 2015 09:57

The Indigenous Fellowship Programme (IFP) is a comprehensive human rights training programme that was established by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the context of the first International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (1995-2004). The programme contributes to build the capacity and expertise of indigenous representatives on the UN system and mechanisms dealing with human rights in general and indigenous issues in particular, so they are in a better position to protect and promote the rights of their communities at the international level.

Two Advocancy Officers at the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)

Μάιος 16, 2015 09:31

The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) is recruiting two Advocacy Officers, one to begin as soon as possible and the other to begin in the autumn. The positions are based in Budapest, Hungary. The ERRC is a public interest law organisation that defends the human rights of Roma throughout Europe and serves as a legal resource centre for advocates working in this field. The ERRC pursues its objectives by engaging in legal representation, research, monitoring and reporting, human rights education and international advocacy.


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