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Intern in Division EUEI PDF – Energy for Development

Δεκ 14, 2014 20:47

The EU Energy Initiative – Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) is an instrument developed by a number of EU Member States and the European Commission in the context of the EU Energy Initiative (EUEI). The overall objective of the EUEI PDF is to support the development of policies and strategies for the promotion of access to energy at national and regional level. These are based on dialogue within and between partner countries, their regional organisations, EU member states and the European Commission.

Five (5) PhD Scholarships in Biophysics, Center for NanoScience (CeNS), Germany (2015)

Δεκ 14, 2014 18:24

The Center for NanoScience (CeNS) offers doctoral positions in Nanoscience for outstanding graduate students, starting between May and October 2015. Successful candidates will work in the stimulating interdisciplinary environment of CeNS. The PhD students will be supervised by principal investigators of CeNS and will be affiliated with the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) or Technische Universität München (TUM).

PhD Scholarships, Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology, Germany (2015)

Δεκ 14, 2014 18:19

The Konstanz Research School Chemical Biology invites applications for Fellowships for PhD Students from highly motivated and enthusiastic students with a keen interest in interdisciplinary research and with an excellent degree (Master or Diploma) in Biology, Chemistry, Computational Life Science, or related areas.

The current call comprises stipends for up to 2,5 years with the starting date 1 April 2015, as well as stipends for up to 4 years, financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with individual starting dates in 2015.

Three (3) Master Scholarships, School of Languages & Social Sciences, Aston University, UK (2015)

Δεκ 14, 2014 17:57

Aston University, within the School of Languages and Social Sciences is offering MA/MSc Scholarships and Bursaries for 2015-2016 academic years. Three scholarships are offered for value of £3000 bursaries towards the cost of the MA tuition fees and three scholarships of £5,000 value for MSc/MA students towards tuition fees.

Study Subject (s):
The scholarships are provided to study in school of languages and social sciences


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