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3 PhD Positions, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (2018)

Οκτ 08, 2018 09:51

Delft University of Technology offers three positions for PhD students as part of the research project Design for changing values: a theory of value change in sociotechnical systems. The entire project consists of 3 PhD positions and 2 postdoc positions and will be supervised by Ibo van de Poel. A complete description of the project can be requested. The project aims at better understanding how moral values may change as a result of technological development and how we can better deal with such changing values in the design of new technology.

3 PhD Positions, Utrecht University, Netherlands (2018)

Οκτ 08, 2018 09:46

The project Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe is set to run at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, in the period 2019-2024. The project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and will be conducted at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON).

PhD project 1: Remembering women activists
PhD 2: Remembering Protest in the 1960s
PhD 3: Memoryscapes of M-15 (2011)

PhD Positions, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands (2018)

Οκτ 08, 2018 09:39

We are looking for a motivated and independent PhD candidate to work with the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University on any of the five thematic research areas of food governance, marine governance, urban transformations, climate futures and environmental mobilities .

1 PhD Studentship, Institiute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology

Οκτ 05, 2018 13:51

The research group of Neurogenetics and Aging of IMBB under the European Program Η2020-ERC-2014-GA646663, entitled: “Nucleotide Excision Repair: Decoding its Functional Role in Mammals –DeFiNER” (Program Coordinator Prof. G. Garinis) invites applications for one (1) MSc student position with documented expertise in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and working experience in transgenic mouse models, confocal and electron microscopy.

Position Description:
Dissecting the functional role of Nucleotide Excision Repair in development and disease


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