On November 18, 2020 will take place the 1st Speaker Series out of four to be carried out in the next months, in the scope of our Online Thinkathon Challenge #2.
Technology in the health sector is rapidly becoming a solution in dealing with today’s global circumstances, especially with the Coronavirus pandemic ever persisting. Telehealth, digital blood samples, and digital results are all examples that the public health sector is using to make healthcare more accessible.
How can the public health sector in Europe and Canada ensure that the digital health initiatives do not exclude low income households, people living in rural areas, or minorities? How can technology be beneficial in the age of Coronavirus? What can both continents learn from each other?
When: November 18th, 2020, 12pm EDT / 6pm CET
Where: Online and for free
What is it about: Our Digital Future: Advancing Digital Health for a Safer Future
Aidan Scott, Co-Founder of Speakbox
Andrzej Ryś, Director Health Systems, Medical Products & Innovation at DG Santé, European Commission
Sila Rogan, Genetics and Physiology at the University of British Columbia
Bjelle Roberts, President of the European Health Parliament
Moderated by Lisa Machado, Executive Producer of Healthing.ca