Online Course: "Youthpass <3 Corps - Guiding the Learning Journey"
1 December 2020 - 15 February 2021
Online Course for project organizers, mentors and coaches and other support persons active in the European Solidarity Corps and interested to develop their awareness and competences to support learning processes within the Solidarity Corps projects.
The course aims to empower and equip youth workers - and other support persons - with the information and competences they need to implement the Youthpass process.
Specifically, it aims to:
- reflect on the learning value of the European Solidarity Corps projects;
- introduce the Youthpass process and how it fits in with the various actions of the European Solidarity Corps programme;
- discuss how to support reflection on learning in European Solidarity Corps projects;
- reflect on the competences needed for supporting learning through self-assessment and reflection;
- offer support for expressing one’s learning outcomes from such projects in words.