You will be part of the Directorate General International and European Relations, which has 120 staff members and prepares policy positions of the ECB, the Eurosystem and the European System of Central Banks on international and European issues (except for positions on the macroeconomic policies of the euro area or European Union (EU) countries).
You will be assigned to a team in one of the following divisions of the Directorate General. The External Developments Division conducts economic analysis and makes forecasts on key economies outside the EU, such as the United States, Japan and China. It also coordinates the international part of the Eurosystem/ECB staff projection exercises. The International Policy Analysis Division analyses issues of systemic relevance relating to the global economy, the global monetary and financial system and the international financial architecture, including matters relating to global financial markets, international spillovers, globalisation and exchange rates.
The ECB is an inclusive employer and we strive to reflect the diversity of the population we serve. We encourage you to apply, irrespective of your gender, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability or other characteristics.
As a trainee you will perform one or more of the following tasks:
support the work of one of the divisions, which may include assisting with data collection and analysis, generating tables and charts and preparing presentations;
maintain and further develop databases used to monitor global and country-specific monetary, financial and real sector developments, with a particular focus on enhancing the use of data visualisation tools;
maintain and further develop quantitative tools and modelling infrastructure;
contribute to selected analytical projects by providing research assistance.