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Internships at Euradio

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Δεκέμβριος 31, 2020

Twice a year, Euradio, a European Radio station based in Nantes since 2007 and Lille since 2018, welcomes 'European teams" of interns from September to February and from February to June to learn and collaborate with them.
Led by professionals in the field, the interns participate in a five-month internship alongside other European youth and are trained as a news team within the radio station.
They will gain experience from editorial process to knowing how to operate the radio, speaking into the microphone, leading an interview, editing an audio recording and much more.

The internship will take place in Nantes, France.

Who can apply:
- students in journalism, media & communications, political science or European studies;
- interested in European issues and who would like to get a formative experience in the world of New European Media;
- have a convention de stage (learning agreement for traineeships);
- have a good level of French.

How to apply
- send a CV, a cover letter and an audio recording of the article provided in French to
- a telephone interview will be organised with some candidates.

How it works
- interns get a monthly allowance of about 500 € alongside other financial aid such as the Erasmus+ grant;
- work 35 working hours a week;
- work in a team with other European students alongside a professional journalist;
- produce and present (one) daily radio.

Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 
Erasmus Placements: 


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