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Two Research Fellow Positions in the field of “Combating misinformation on social media” at the Cyprus University of Technology

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Ιανουάριος 7, 2021

Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications in order to fill two (2) Research Fellow Position (Postdoctoral Researcher or Postgraduate Associate - Assistant Researcher A) with the Co-Inform project ( in the field of “Combating misinformation on social media” with the Department of Communication and Internet Studies, at the Cyprus University of Technology.


The successful applicant(s) will help design, refine and deliver a research programme on examining and addressing misinformation on social media with policymakers, journalists and citizens. Other related research activities may also be pursued in this context. In addition, they will perform project management work related to the project.


The applicants should have:

At a minimum, a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in one of the following fields: Communication Studies, Computer Science, Educational Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, Learning Sciences, Psychology, Sociology.
Strong background in research methods.
Excellent knowledge of quantitative data analysis software, such as SPSS.
Very good language and communication / implementation skills.
Very good knowledge of the English language at a proficiency level (spoken and written)
The following will be considered as an advantage:

Prior experience in research in a related field.
Prior participation in funded national or European research programmes.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals or conferences.
Applicants with a Ph.D. degree are also encouraged to apply. Knowledge of the Greek language is desirable but not required. Residency in Cyprus is required.

Τhe appointment will be for a period of six (6) months with the prospect of renewal. The monthly gross salary will be based on qualifications and the hours worked per month as follows:

For the position of Postgraduate Associate / Assistant Researcher A between €652,74-€1305,48 and for the Postdoctoral Position will be between €652,74 – €1566,58. There is provision for 13th salary (the cost of the 13th salary has been proportionally incorporated in the monthly remuneration as analyzed above)

Applicants are requested to submit the following:

A cover letter with which they express their interest for the job opening and state the date they can take over responsibilities
A summary of their research experience (up to two (2) pages) in English
A complete curriculum vitae (in English and in Greek)
Transcripts for their BSc, MSc, or/and PhD degrees and any other proof of qualifications
The names and contact information of two people who are willing to provide references
Complete contact information
Applications must be sent via email at: with the subject: “Application for Research Associate Position with the Co-Inform project” no later than Thursday, January 7, 2021, which is the deadline for the submission of the applications.

For further information, please visit the University’s webpage at or contact Dr. Eleni Kyza at

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