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25/8-2/9/2015- Training course "So FAR, So CLOSE!" (Statiunea Izvoare, Maramures (near Baia Mare), Romania)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Αύγουστος 2, 2015

“So Far, So Close” is a training course which will reunite 24 young leaders from 10 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey in northern Romania, near Baia Mare, in Statiunea Izvoare, between 25th of August 2015 and 2nd of September 2015. Together they will experience various methods on intercultural learning and outdoor which they can bring back in their organizations to use in order to motivate and empower the young people they are working with into becoming the young leaders of tomorrow.
The main OBJECTIVES of the project are:

promoting and exploring the “outdoor”, “healthy lifestyle” and “intercultural learning” concepts in relation with youth work;
raising the intercultural and outdoor competences of the participants;
promoting respect for cultural and European diversity;
sharing methods, experiences and tools among youth workers as best practices for encouraging the use of outdoor activities in an intercultural and international context;
promoting non-formal education methods and introducing Erasmus+Programme as an opportunity for European youth mobilities.

The working METHODS used during the training course will be non-formal, with a strong intercultural and outdoor approach: role plays, energisers, ice-breakers, movie watching, world-cafe, circle practice, storytelling, open space, learning to play and playing to learn, debriefs, teamwork, rope techniques, hiking and many more.


Participants age 18 + , which are youth workers, young leaders, active volunteers in their organizations, volunteer coordinators, staff, and willing to improve their skills and competences regarding intercultural learning and outdoor, sharing and learning new tools which can be used in working with youth.

Contact for questions:
Roxana Pascan
Phone: 0040371134344

Πηγή: http:

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Οικονομικό Καθεστώς Προγράμματος Διά Βίου Μάθησης: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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