Online Training of Multipliers “GloRe Certification Network”
21-31 May 2021 | Online, Spain
GloRe is the certificate platform developed to provide volunteers worldwide the possibility to get an informal recognition of the soft-skills acquired and shown while volunteering, either to international or local volunteers. This training is part of the Capacity Building in the Field of Youth funded by Erasmus+ “GloRe Certification Network” and will provide the participants with the more important competencies to use the certificate platform and to support the learning process of their volunteers.
The training will be online and consist of various activities based on non formal education methodologies with the support of interactive online tools. Moreover, in between the sessions (see the attached program) participants will have to follow 2 online training modules through Canvas. The methodologies used during the training have been already used for in-person training on this subject in Latin America in the framework of GloRe Certification Network Capacity Building.