Training Course: "YO(uth)GA: Introducing yoga to youth-work"
6-14 September 2021 | Kořenov, Czech Republic
A 7-days learning program in Czechia exploring how philosophy and practices of yoga could be applicable and implemented in our daily work with young people, in non-formal education, in self-management, mentoring, and increasing capacities.
To introduce yoga philosophy and methodology into European youth work,
To explore, provide, exchange and develop innovative theories and educational approaches that youth workers can use in order to improve their work with marginalized youth that is subject to prejudices,
To deconstruct the out-dated limiting attitudes towards youth work and yoga,
To increase the capacities, motivation and wellbeing of youth workers,
To spread the new innovative practices among youth workers around Europe and implement new activities targeting young people that they work with.
To develop sustainable daily practice of yoga or any other daily routine that will be practiced by the youth workers.