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Widen Your World – International Photo Contest, 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Οκτώβριος 1, 2015

The Turkish Airlines is inviting everyone who is curious about the unknown, to this adventure with the Skylife Photo Contest “The World is Much Broader, Explore…”. It is calling you, who are not contended with going to the same places and doing the same things, but also photograph everything they see, to its world filled with adventure and exploration. The photography fans will photograph their own worlds. The photographers will arouse interest in the unknown at any time and at any place on earth, bring together the differences, and emphasize that travelling is a significant step taken to change this world. The Turkish Airlines invites everyone, who wants to change their world, expand their horizons or step into brand new worlds.

The Turkish Airlines invites everyone, who wants to change their world, expand their horizons or step into brand new worlds with this photo contest.

- 1st FIAP Gold Medal + flight tickets equivalent to USD 15,000;
- 2nd FIAP Silver Medal + flight tickets equivalent to USD 5,000;
- 3rd FIAP Bronze Medal + flight tickets equivalent to USD 2,000;
- FIAP Honorable Mentions (6);
- Exhibition (First 100 photographs) ;
- FIAP Best Photographer Award (to be handed out to the photographer who is exhibited the most and receives the most awards).

Further details:


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