Swansea University Medical School is offering Access to Postgraduate Education Scholarships worth £1500 each to UK/EU applicants for postgraduate masters courses (MSc) and master of research courses (MRes). These are for September 2015 entry.
Swansea University Medical School is offering Access to Postgraduate Education Scholarships worth £1500 each to UK/EU applicants for postgraduate masters courses (MSc) and master of research courses (MRes). These are for September 2015 entry.
Access to Postgraduate Education Criteria
In order to apply, you must meet one or more of the following widening participation criteria:
- You have been looked after or in care for more than three months and in receipt of a Care Leavers “Pathway Plan” or have relevant evidence from a social worker or leaving care team.
- You have received Disabled Students’ Allowance during your undergraduate study, or been in receipt of support from your university’s disability office.
- You are domiciled at a Communities First (CF) postcode or in a HEFCE Polar 3 Low Participation Neighbourhood (LPN). We will use your home address in your last year of school or FE College. The POLAR3 postcode checker is http://www.hefce.ac.uk/postcode/. For CF, the postcodes are available for download here: https://statswales.wales.gov.uk/Catalogue/Community-Safety-and-Social-In.... Please note this information only covers the UK.
- You are a recognised carer who is in receipt of any of the associated state benefits (such as Carer's Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, etc)
Other Eligibility Criteria
1. Applicants must be from UK/EU countries.
2. Scholarships will be used to offset tuition fees. For part-time students the scholarship will be awarded on a pro-rata basis and used to offset tuition fees.
3. Applicants must be enrolling on a taught masters (MSc) or masters of research (MRes) course at Swansea University Medical School for the first time in September 2015.
4. Awards are available for full-time and part-time postgraduate taught masters degree (MSc) and masters of research (MRes) only at Swansea University Medical School.
5. Applicants must have completed an application for a place to study, received an offer and accepted a place at Swansea University Medical School.
6. Successful candidates will be informed after 11th September 2015; a reduced tuition fee will be levied at enrolment. Candidates must confirm acceptance of their scholarship and accept an offer of a place on an MSc or MRes course at Swansea University Medical School.
Further details: