Training Course: "WELLCORE. Creative tools for WELL-being, COnnection and REsilience"
25-30 May 2022 | Flecken Zechlin, Germany
The main aim of this training course is to explore creative tools and resources to facilitate connection, resilience and wellbeing in youth work. Participants will experience different tools themselves, reflect and exchange about their experience and transfer them to their own work context and their daily life. Especially in times of crisis it is important to not only focus on physical but also mental health of people. This can be seen as an act of solidarity to yourself and others and we want to explore and discuss how these topics affect community life.
As non formal trainers and youth workers, the trainer team of this course, Yolanda, Ohiane, Mohammed and Dina all come together with different backgrounds and experiences but with a common goal and vision: to use creative and movement-based tools as a means to help you to connect with your inner child, to connect with others around you and implement playfulness and transfer these elements in your work.