The Cluster of Excellence CellNetworks, centered on world-renowned Heidelberg University, unites more than 100 leading research groups from the faculties of Medicine, Bioscience and Natural Science, DKFZ, EMBL, MPI for Medical Research, HITS and the Central Institute for Mental Health, in one common objective: to explore complex networks within and beyond the cell, to describe functional interaction in unprecedented detail and truly understand how it all fits into place.
We focus on life-science with expertise from biology, medicine, physical chemistry, biophysics, material science and advanced computation.
From 18th September 2015 we are looking for 10 new postdocs to join our research cluster. We provide a two year contract including salary and research costs. On top you will receive your own budget of 10.000 € per year for travelling, meetings and special demands.
You may design your project of interest with one or two member labs.
Further details: