Training Course: "Safe Space"
3-11 October 2022 | Habří, Czech Republic
Safe Space is a training course on methods of prevention of sexual harassment in youth work.
Unwelcome flirting, obscene gestures, sexual comments about someone's body and appearance, questions about sexual and intimate life, joking about sexual and gender identity, offensive jokes with sexual subtext, commenting on a person's mood in relation to the menstrual cycle or sex life, unsolicited e-mails, photos or messages of a sexual nature, groping, touching without permission, presurring into sexal acts without consent, bullying, ignoring someone’s physical or psychological boundaries and many others.
he project aims to train youth workers in adopting tools and attitudes for:
primary prevention = creating conditions that prevent incidents of sexual harassment, i.e. creating safe space
secondary prevention = providing care for the victim and the bystanders of the incident, preventing secondary victimization, dealing with the perpetrator
tertiary prevention = ensuring care for the group after the incident, re-establishing safe space