Senior Researchers will perform scientific experiments and technological development in one of the above mentioned directions, create and lead scientific working groups, guide junior researchers and PhD students. Each of the research directions, led by a coordinator (Head of Research Activities) will gradually evolve during the implementation of the project in terms of researchers' expertise, technological needs and scientific development.
Junior researchers will ensure part of the scientific expertise needed in the operation and development of the experiments of ELI-NP. Junior researchers will pursue their activity in working groups led by Senior Researchers, while the personal research and collaboration initiative will be encouraged.
Post-Doctoral Research Assistants will ensure part of the scientific expertise needed to prepare the ELI-NP experiments. Post-Doctoral Research Assistants will pursue their activity in the working groups led by Research Scientists, while the personal initiative concerning scientific research will be also encouraged.
Doctoral Research Assistants (PhD Students) will pursue their activity in the working groups led by Research Scientists, in order to train skills and prepare their PhD thesis.
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