Heartland Harvesting Seminar
6-9 September 2022 | Rua do Forno do Tijolo 3, 1170-132 Lisbon, Portugal, Portugal
HEARTLAND aims to address youth workers, adult educators and other helping professionals with high risk of burnout to develop their competences through creativity and art embedded into the activities and the intellectual outputs of the 24 month collaboration.
The aim of the HEARTLAND Harvesting Seminar is to introduce you to the Resilience Tools and Approaches developed in the HEARTLAND project by 4 professional organizations across Europe blending the best of what they have for resilience building and wellbeing:
- combined methodological tools;
- new innovative modular curricula;
- on-line learning modules.
These resources are meant to serve and develop expression through arts skills and digital competences and beyond that, a set of resilience-skills essential to tackle burn out.