Online Training Course: "Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Change"
15 November 2022 | Online - Zoom, United Kingdom
This course will explore how to hold ‘brave spaces’ to discuss conflict issues and how to build peace skills in the classroom. It will also unpack a rich bank of case studies from around the world for pupils to explore the effectiveness of non-violent action as an alternative to conflict.
The world is facing many challenging problems such as conflict, climate change, migration, racism, inequality - the effects of which we also experience in our own communities. These issues increasingly require sensitive conversations in the classroom. As educators, we can’t turn away in order to feel safe, but equally we do not want to aggravate anxiety for young people.
To prepare for their future, students need skills to navigate difficult conversations in ways that will allow them to address problems even while working with people with differing views. They also need understand peaceful ways to take action as socially responsible citizens to press for a fairer and more sustainable world.