Training Course: "Digital storytelling. Tell y(our) story on social media"
17-26 March 2023 | Istanbul, Türkiye
The aim of the project is to develop critical thinking, creative thinking, digital skills, media literacy, social problems, discrimination, solving problems, and encourage to become a local leaders among youth workers and/or facilitators.
The main objectives are as follows:
- To identify and to talk about social problems on social media;
- To increаce youth workers and young people’s competitive аdvаntаges in using social media to tackle social problems in their local communities
- To advance youth workers/facilitators skills and competencies in digital skills, multimedia tools, identifying local problems and solutions;
- The youth workers participating in the project will obtain skills and competencies allowing them to increase their own proficiency in organizational management, communication, and strategic planning;
- To advance youth workers/facilitators skills and competencies in developing and implementing media/social media campaigns;
- To encourage young people to become more active citizenship, self-responsibility, leadership skills, taking the initiative;
- To popularize non-formal education;
- To promote mutual understanding intercultural discourse, social engagement, and unity between young people in Europe;
- To view consider opportunities of Erasmus+ programs from different angles such as mobility, youth empowerment, and non-formal education;
- To identify the certifications that Youthpass provides and to introduce European non-formal learnings projects.
- To promote Erasmus+ programs to youth;
- To create new partnerships between organizations from different countries;
- To foster cooperation and build the capacity of participating youth organizations in terms of literate use of social media and to transfer and exchange knowledge in the field of Erasmus+ projects with particular attention to the use of social media channels.