This training is aimed to enable youth workers, volunteer managers and other workers from the volunteering field to develop volunteering programs that promote young people’s sense of entrepreneurship and recognize its importance as a quality tool for the achievement of their organization’s mission.
Why this Training Course?
- To understand the concept of volunteering in nowadays society;
- To recognize volunteering as a way of providing informal and non-formal learning opportunities;
- To understand volunteering as a crucial instrument for developing young people’s entrepreneurship skills;
- To enable participants to understand and develop a volunteering program which recognizes the value of youngsters’ entrepreneurship as a vehicle for social change and skills development;
- To develop skills in planning and preparation of the whole process of integration and monitoring volunteers through: - Recognition of the importance of preparing and managing volunteering programs;
- To analyze the integration process of a volunteering program in an organization;
- To identify and understand the various stages of a volunteering program;
- To develop a volunteering program adapted to different organizations, according to their characteristics and particularities;
- To share tools and resources that will allow participants to structure their volunteering programs and cooperate after the training course.
How it will be done?
The training course will be based on non-formal learning approaches encouraging the active involvement of participants, giving them space to take an active role, express themselves, share good practice examples and develop a good support network when developing a volunteering programme.
The pedagogical process
A fundamental flow during the training is based upon:
- Experiencing: different educational settings, different non formal education methods (role play, simulation game, work in small groups...)
- Reflecting: about volunteering, it’s methods and practices in organizations, on the importance of creating a volunteering programme to achieve the best results from a volunteering project for the organization and the volunteers themselves.
- Transferring: to the own reality of participants, in order to improve ways of implementing volunteering projects.
- Sharing: different perceptions, current situations and experiences.
- Developing: the building capacity of the participants, by giving them the opportunity to develop a real volunteering programme for their organizations.
Participants should be at least 18 years old and should have a good level of English.
Contact for questions:
Carla Marques
Phone: +351253204260