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EngD position in Experimental and numerical optimization for combustion of rDME/LPG blends

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Οκτώβριος 18, 2023

Established in February 2022, Dimeta is a joint venture between SHV Energy and UGI International, set up to advance the production and use of renewable and recycled carbon Dimethyl Ether (DME), a low-carbon sustainable liquid gas, to accelerate the LPG Industry’s transition to Net Zero. DME is an attractive blending fuel for the LPG industry as it can be efficiently produced from sustainable feedstocks and can achieve low carbon intensity.

Fundamental understanding of combustion characteristics of DME from experimental data, is crucial for realizing the full potential of DME as a clean and sustainable fuel. More specifically, flame behavior under variable operating conditions, emission and clean burning features, and safety aspects in terms of flame stability and loss on ignition need to be fully investigated for various burner design configurations for DME/LPG and DME fuels in order for industry to realize the potential benefits of DME as a sustainable fuel.

In this collaborative position between Dimeta and the University of Twente, our objective is to work together with the application of cutting-edge technologies to tackle the abovementioned challenges and pave the way for the optimal utilization of DME as a clean and sustainable fuel.

This EngD assignment aims to systematically optimize combustion properties of renewable and recycled carbon Dimethyl Ether (rDME) and rDME/LPG blends. The focus is on flame behavior, optimization of the combustion process, and identifying operating conditions that may lead to undesirable behavior. Experimental test-rigs developed at the Group of Thermal Engineering at the University of Twente will be utilized and supported by the numerical modeling, to provide the necessary data. The study aims to describe flame characteristics, determine the optimum blend ratio in terms of safe operating conditions and energy efficiency, and evaluate potential emission reductions compared to LPG as benchmark.

Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 
Erasmus Placements: 


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