Cellular Agriculture (CA) is a new concept in biotechnology that aims to produce (animal) protein through bioprocessing. This includes the production of muscle cells and tissue from animal stems cells rather than from whole animals, as well as the use of precision fermentation for microbial production of (animal) protein, such as dairy alternatives. However, development of sustainable, cost-effective processes for cellular agriculture at the huge scale required to meet a substantial fraction of anticipated global meat demands raises interesting scientific and technological challenges. To address these challenges, The Cellular Agriculture Netherlands Foundation (CAN a consortium of public and private partners in the field) will boost the Dutch cellular agriculture ecosystems along the workflows Education, Research, Scale up, and Public outreach. This initiative is supported by a 60 million euro impulse from the National Growth Fund program. Within this scope, TU Delft will focus on the scientific and technological challenges associated with large-scale production of cultivated meat and precision fermentation.