The leading European service for job mobility and fair recruitment EURES celebrates 30 years of helping young people find their dream jobs all over Europe. To mark our anniversary, we wish to hear from you! Send us your video and tell us: How can EURES help you achieve your dream job in Europe?
Where in Europe would you love to boost your career?
How do you imagine your dream job? Where do you wish to travel for work abroad? Which profession inspires you? What are your skills? What would you like to learn next?
To all young job seekers out there, these are only some of the questions to think about when creating your video story. This is your chance to share your ideas, showcase your creativity, and inspire others by spreading the message that EURES anywhere in Europe, has the right job for young people!
Shoot a video and fly to Bratislava!
You can apply as an individual or as a team of maximum 3 people. You must be national or with resident status in one of the 31 EURES countries.