The Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) is one of ETH’s extradepartmental centers and a joint venture between ETH Zurich, MeteoSwiss, Empa, WSL, and Eawag. One central focus of C2SM consists in providing climate model data of various sources to their users, among them those who focus on climate impacts research.
In this internship you will develop and apply software to support the development of the upcoming Swiss climate scenarios CH2025. The Swiss climate scenarios products are derived from regional climate model data, mainly from the EURO-CORDEX initiative. This data needs to be processed and quality-checked. Your work consists of writing code and applying the software to process and check this data to make it easier to use along the workflow. This includes checking the data for technical consistency and physical plausibility. For instance, the variable surface wind speed needs to be evaluated and compared between two different spatial resolutions.
The internship will be supervised by the staff of C2SM. The main workplace will be at ETH Zurich (working from home office will partly be possible).