The collaborative research center “Control and dynamics of quantum materials” (CRC1238) brings together a team of scientists from experimental and theoretical physics. Our vision is to discover, understand, and control novel collective phenomena and new functionalities in quantum materials arising from the interplay of spin-orbit-coupling, correlations, and topology.
There are ten (10) open PhD positions within CRC1238:
RIXS interferometry on correlated materials with strong spin-orbit coupling (Grüninger)
Fabrication and measurements of nano-devices based on topological materials (Ando, Breunig)
Inelastic light scattering in Quantum Magnets (Grüninger, Van Loosdrecht)
Spin liquids out of equilibrium (Seifert, Rosch)
Non-equilibrium quantum matter (Trebst)
Electrical and thermal transport studies in topological materials (Lorenz)
Crystal growth and thermodynamic characterization of quantum magnets (Lorenz)
Transport in quantum anomalous Hall insulators (Bocquillon)
Microwave-spectroscopy of topological quantummaterials (Hemberger)
Driven quantum systems and non-linear transport (Rosch)