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9-13/2/2016- Training course "Mobility Taster for Inclusion Organisations" (Espoo - near Helsinki, Finland)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Δεκέμβριος 8, 2015


In just 3 working days, we show you the possibilities Erasmus+ Youth has to offer for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. An international project (youth exchange, voluntary service,...) might just be the life-changing opportunity for the disadvantaged young people you are working with: e.g. minorities, with special needs, with socio-economic difficulties, discriminated groups, in difficult situations, with limited opportunities...

This Mobility Taster course gives you concrete examples of what is possible, brings you in contact with other inclusion organisations, shows you what funding is available specifically for inclusion projects and walks you step-by-step through the process in case you would like to give it a try.


This course is for NEWCOMERS to Erasmus+ Youth who are directly working with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. If you never organised an international youth project with your target group before and would like to know what is possible, then this course is for you!

This course is also open for applicants with special needs (contact SALTO Inclusion regarding support possibilities).


Check briefly with the Erasmus+ Youth National Agency in your country (or SALTO Eastern Europe & Caucasus) if they can send you to the Mobility Taster course in Finland 9-13 February 2016 (and reimburse your travel).

- If so, register online here by 8 December 2015 midnight (create a SALTO username). We will inform you by 15 December 2015 (max 25 participants).
- Selected participants will get travel, food & lodging in double rooms paid. You might be ask for a small contribution towards the costs (ask your NA or SALTO EECA).

Register for the SALTO Inclusion newsletter or follow the SALTO Inclusion & Diversity Facebook page to be informed of future Mobility Tasters. Or keep an eye on the European Training Calendar.

Contact for questions:
Tony Geudens
Phone: +32 22 09 07 20

Πηγή: http:

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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