Training Course: "Safety awareness in the Digital Era. How to communicate digital related threats and provide tools to young people"
24-29 November 2024 | Palermo, Italy
Many young people (and adults) do not have the basic skills to use digital tools safely for themselves and others (for example, not everybody understand the privacy implications of sharing photos and videos online).
Why not use the tools of gamification? Why not use games to engage and interest young people and make them more aware of their own wellbeing, rights and safety as digital users?
As a follow-up to the Erasmus+ project SADE - Safety awareness in the digital age, the Italian association InformaGiovani ETS is organising a training aimed at youth association operators, teachers, social workers and journalists, where the possibility of using gamification and escape games will be shown.
The training is based on the content of Dig.Comp. 2.2, the European Digital Competence Framework and will focus in particular on four aspects:
- protection of devices: smartphones, PCs and networks
- protecting personal data and privacy
- protection of users' health and well-being
- protecting the environment in digital contexts.