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3rd NATO’s Young Professional Programme

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Οκτώβριος 28, 2024

The Young Professional Programme (YPP) is a 3-year programme which aims to attract and develop highly talented young professionals who are interested in accelerating their career through entry-level positions at NATO.

Successful candidates will be assigned to different NATO bodies for one-year periods, for a total of three NATO bodies over three years. This will provide participants with a broad understanding of NATO and with opportunities to develop many competencies in several different work areas within the Organization.

For the third cycle of the YPP there are 13 different positions available for people from a wide variety of educational and professional backgrounds, including:

Data Science and Innovation
Economics and Finance
Engineering and Logistics
Human Resources
ICT and Cyber Security
International Political Affairs
Legal Affairs
Marketing and Communications
Programme and Project Management

The vacancy notices for the 13 different positions can be found on NATO’s e-recruitment system

Who is eligible to apply for NATO’s YPP?

Applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria at the time of application:
Age: 21+
Nationality: a citizen of a NATO member country
Professional experience: at least one year of demonstrated professional experience, including full-time employment, temporary assignments and/or internships
Educational status: a Master's degree or equivalent from a recognised institution in a relevant subject
Languages: proficiency in one of the two official NATO languages: English or French. A working knowledge of the second is considered an asset. Knowledge of other languages may also be considered an asset for certain positions.

To submit an application, you must first create an account in NATO’s e-recruitment system.

Click on “Sign In” in the upper right corner. You will be directed to a page where you can create a “New User”.

Please note that NATO cannot accept applications via mail or email.

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