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Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation for Documentary Photography & Film Contest, 2016

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Μάρτιος 31, 2016

The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation invites professional and emerging photographers and film makers from all around the world to apply for its photography and film grants. The grants have been created to encourage the betterment of humanity through editorially-based imagery of themes including human unrest, famine, disease, politics, war, uprisings, injustice and triumph. Two USD 5000 awards will be announced in July 2016 during Les Rencontres d’Arles in France.

The first grant will be awarded to one documentary photography project of 15-image portfolio on topics of human suffering and unrest, forgotten communities, exploited lands and people, on communities ravaged by war, poverty, famine, disease, and the exploitation of global resources. The second grand will be awarded to a non-fiction documentary film of 10 – 30 minutes in length highlighting also human unrest, forgotten communities, over-exploited people and environments impacted by war, poverty, famine, disease, exploitation and global distress.

Professional and emerging photographers and film makers from all around the world aged 18 at the time of submission are welcomed to apply. All proposed projects and submitted portfolios must be works of non-fiction and must be based on such pressing social issues as health, poverty, oppression, war, famine, religious/political persecution and similar topics. For more information about eligibility please read Documentary Still Photography/Reportage and Short-Short Documentary Film submission guidelines.

The Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation will award two USD 5,000 grants in 2016 — one for the completion of a documentary photography project proposal and one for a non-fiction documentary film.

Further details:


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