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2 PhD Candidate or Predoc Research Positions on "Machine Learning and Computer Vision"

The Artificial Intelligence and Information Analysis Laboratory (AIIA Lab, AIIA.CVML R&D group) of the School of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (AUTH) has two open PhD candidate or predoc research positions. Applicants may become PhD candidates or just do R&D work. The interested applicant must have strong theoretical and/or applied background in machine learning and computer vision, with an emphasis on deep learning. Potential (not exclusive) application domains include robotics/autonomous systems, natural disaster management and industrial inspection.

Very competitive salary if offered.

Research topics:

Extreme visual and social media data analytics for natural disaster management
Visual drone-based industrial pipeline inspection
New decentralized deep learning methods
Explainable, trustworthy and robust AI
Fast embedded drone visual analysis
Support International Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Academy (AIDA)


MSc degree (or any 4-5 year BSc/MSc degree) in Computer Science or Electrical/Computer Engineering.
Good programming (C++, Python) and theoretical/math skills.
Specialization or coursework in machine learning and/or computer vision are desirable.
Any publications in international journals or conferences are desirable.
Good English writing skills.
* Applications of persons who are expected to finish their studies in the very near future are welcomed.

AIIA. CVML R&D projects



Interested candidates are kindly asked to send an e-mail to Prof. Ioannis Pitas with their Curriculum vitae and possibly a transcript of mark records. The relevant AUTH post filling procedures will be followed.

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