UCL’s Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) is offering several opportunities for doctoral study, including three EPSRC PhD Studentships.
STEaPP’s research bridges between Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) and Social Sciences, and investigates and experiments with the ways knowledge shapes public decision-making. STEaPP focuses on knowledge systems and science–policy interfaces that underpin decision-making at the local, national and international scale. STEaPP applies principles of ‘impact-oriented research’ and ‘co-production’ with academic, policy and industry partners.
UCL STEaPP’s Doctoral Training Programme (DTP) is centered on fostering the development of world-class interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners concerned with the role of Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) knowledge in decision-making. STEaPP’s DTP is comprised of academic (Doctor of Philosophy – PhD) and policy-oriented/professional orientated (Doctor of Public Administration – DPA) career tracks. The DTP uses a modular doctorate model, with students completing 240 credits for programme completion. Doctoral students will also be trained in specific cross-disciplinary skillsets, and also in how to design and execute their research initiatives so that they are relevant and usable for external partners.
PhD programme
The PhD is a supervised research degree in which candidates carry out independent research on a topic developed by them and two UCL supervisors (one in STEaPP and another from another UCL BEAMS department).
A PhD thesis will be an original piece of work. The DTP uses a modular doctorate model, with students completing 240 credits for programme completion.
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