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15 PhD Positions Biophysical Chemistry, Structural Biology, in-situ modeling & Pharmaceutical Science, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Φεβρουάριος 15, 2016

15 prestigious 3-year PhD scholarships are available from 1st of June 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter. The PhD students will be part of the EU-funded project “Protein-excipient Interactions and protein-protein interactions in formulations” (PIPPI).

PIPPI is an Innovative Training Network (ITN) concerning the challenges in formulation of protein-based drugs. PIPPI will combine systematic investigations of the physicochemical behavior of a number of proteins with an in-depth understanding of the molecular interactions behind the macroscopic behavior. The overall objective is to develop methodologies, tools and databases to guide the formulation of robust biopharmaceuticals in the future. As a PhD student in PIPPI you will get the unique opportunity to closely interact with the best researchers in a very strong consortium comprising leading European universities, research facilities and industry partners.

The Technical University of Denmark (DK) coordinates this exciting collaborative project. The academic partners include University of Manchester (UK), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (DE), Lund University (SE), University of Copenhagen (DK), MAXIV Laboratory (SE).
The industry partners involved in the project include: Novozymes A/S (DK), MedImmune Ltd. (UK), Wyatt Technology Europe GmbH (DE), NanoTemper Technologies GmbH (DE).

Qualifications Applicants should hold a Master of Science degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical science, Chemical engineering or an equivalent background that provides a strong set of analytical skills. The applicant should have a strong interest in working in a cross-disciplinary environment and should have very good collaboration skills. Strong communication skills and a strong academic record is an advantage. Fluent communication skills in written and spoken English are essential. The applicant should strive towards scientific excellence, be ambitious and hard working. Only applicants with great talent, which seeks to be among the brightest in their field, will be considered.

Further details:

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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