The Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece is pleased to announce the 6th Conference on Language Disorders in Greek to take place on June 3-4, 2016, at the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece (Patras).
This is a biannual event that takes place in a Greek-speaking location with the aim to bring together researchers working on a wide range of Developmental and Acquired Language Impairments. It also seeks to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art research in language pathology, and explore new directions and emerging trends. The meeting started 10 years ago as an initiative of the Department of Speech and Language Therapy of the then Technological Educational Institute of Patras, in an effort to create a forum where younger researchers working on Greek would be able to interact and network with renowned scholars investigating related topics in Greek and beyond.
Concern of the work to be presented in the conference is expected to revolve around how current linguistic theory contributes to understanding impaired but also early language, hence, to understanding the human language faculty and its neurobiological foundations. In turn, the work should have an eye for whether and how the findings from early and atypical language provide new arguments to the development of linguistic theory.
While focusing on Greek as the main empirical domain, emphasis is also given on comparative work, either between Greek and other language(s), or on bilingual/multilingual settings when one of the languages is Greek. Although the focus of the event is impaired language, research on typical language development is also considered.
We are accepting anonymous abstracts for oral or poster presentations. Oral presentations will be 30 min long, with an additional 10 min question period. Abstracts should be one page long with at least one-inch margin on all sides and fonts no smaller than 12 points. Α second page may contain graphs or references. Abstracts should be sent in Word and PDF format to:
Conference date: June 3th – June 4th 2016
Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 15th, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 30th, 2016
Invited Speakers
Andrea Moro (University of Pavia)
Vesna Stojanovik (University of Reading)
Spyridoula Varlokosta (University of Athens)
Program committee
Maria Kambanaros (Cyprus University of Technology)
Vicky Nanousi (Technological Educational Institute of W. Greece)
Georgia Stafylidou (Technological Educational Institute of W. Greece)
Arhonto Terzi (Technological Educational Institute of W. Greece).