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Animago Award Digital Art Competition, 2016

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Ιούνιος 30, 2016

The animago AWARD has been acknowledging the best works in the fields of 3d animation & still, visual effects and visualization since 1997. In the year 2015 we have received exactly 1,008 entries, submitted by digital artists from 58 different countries, what reflects an amazing national variety and wide range of topics. Since its existence the competition has succeeded in achieving even greater international prominence and acknowledgment. The jury members evaluate all submitted productions having regard to the adequate category. Three outstanding entries per category will be nominated and the best of them will win the coveted animago trophy.

The animago exibition is the central area of the new event location and connects perfectly the three conference rooms Carl-Orff-Saal, Black Box and Vortragssaal der Bibliothek. Take the opportunity and present your products, technologies and services to a creative audience and take strategic advantage of a wide-range advertising campaign with all available channels of animago and of the German leading trade magazine digital production.


The jury members evaluate all submitted productions having regard to the adequate category. Three outstanding entries per category will be nominated and the best of them will win the coveted animago trophy.

Anniversary Prize

The DIGITAL PRODUCTION editorial team will choose its ten favourite animago submissions from the past 20 years. These ten finalists will be presented to the public and one will be chosen to receive this Anniversary Prize as the most popular animago submission to date.

Further details:


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