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PhD Positions, Marie Curie European Training Network HaemMetabolome, Europe (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Μάιος 8, 2016

HaemMetabolome will provide research training in the study of molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of several acute haematological malignancies (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML), Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) and Multiple Myeloma). Resistance to existing therapies is frequently observed for these diseases, and they remain incurable for the majority of cases.

The aim of HaemMetabolome is to understand the cellular biological consequences of the genetic alterations that occur in the cells of these cancers, and understand how these can be used to improve treatment options. As these haematological malignancies are multi-factorial diseases, HaemMetabolome will develop the integration of biomedical multi-omics data and computational modelling systems with the aim to understand the metabolic regulation in haematological cancers. Systems biomedicine will be used to build genome-scale transcriptional models that explain the deregulated metabolic pathways relevant for the development of haematological cancers, and to help to identify biomarkers and new drug targets for patient-derived samples.

HaemMetabolome has 9 Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher Fellowships available, as part of the Initial Training Network under the European Joint Doctorate scheme. Researchers employed on one of these Fellowships will be enrolled on a dual PhD programme between two of the HaemMetabolome partners, spending part of their fellowships working at both partners.

For more information, please visit:

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