Kadir Has University will organise a Jean Monnet summer school on the "EU and Security in the Wider Neighbourhood" which will be held between 20 June-1 July 2016 in Istanbul-Turkey. The Module will be delivered with the support of the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union.
The module focuses on the European Union as an international security actor in its Southern and Eastern neighbourhoods which also surrounds Turkey and which share unstable settings challenged by various political, societal and economic issues. Students fulfilling the module requirements will be awarded with 5 ECTS credits.
The objective of the course is to provide students with the analytical tools to understand the special nature of the EU’s approach towards the security issues in its wider neighbourhood. The course’s main aim is to provide students with a strong understanding of the main political motivations as well as the track record of the EU in dealing with security around its neighborhood. Overall, this module aims at supporting the students in their academic work and further their research projects and ideas.
The deadline for applications is 15th May 2016.