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PhD Scholarships in Finance, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Μάιος 24, 2016

The Department of Finance at the Copenhagen Business School invites applications for PhD scholarships in finance. Several scholarships are available of which one is a general scholarship within any area of finance while three scholarships are within specific areas of finance, as described below.

One scholarship is available within the field of financial frictions and the student will be associated with the Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC), which is a Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation. Financial frictions are costs or impediments in connection with financial transactions, for example due to transactions costs, borrowing constraints, credit risk, capital requirements, or asymmetric information.

One scholarship is available within the areas of household finance and behavioral finance. This scholarship is funded by a European Research Council Starting grant awarded by the European Research Council to Professor Steffen Andersen.

One scholarship is available within the area of empirical entrepreneurial finance. This scholarship is funded by the Sapere Aude grant awarded by the Danish Council for Independent Research to Professor Morten Sørensen.

All scholarships initially cover a three-year period of study. Extended funding is available for successful candidates who wish to pursue a university career.

The PhD program at CBS allows students to conduct research under the supervision of CBS professors, supported by research training courses. The program is highly international, and students are expected to take part in the Department’s research activities, such as seminars and conferences organized by the Department.

CBS PhD graduates in finance are held in high esteem in academia and research institutions as well as in government and the private sector where their research qualifications are in high demand. The Department of Finance has placed PhD candidates at leading academic institutions (WU Vienna University, Cass Business School, London Business School and the EPFL in Lausanne), at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, at Goldman Sachs, and in leading Danish financial institutions.

For more information, please visit:

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