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25-16/05/2016 - Training Course: "Response to the auditing activity of the European Commission in FP7 and in Horizon 2020"(Milan)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Μάιος 18, 2016

This course will provide participants with the preparation necessary to deal with the control activities carried out by the European Commission and by firms in charge of certification of financial statements, in accordance with the EU regulatory framework and with international auditing procedures.

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to respond to any potential request of information or documentation by the authorities in charge of financial verification (the European Commission, the European Court of Auditors, OLAF and the audit firms entrusted with the responsibility of first and second level auditing). To this end, the course will examine all categories of eligible costs, taking into account the main problematic issues encountered respectively by enterprises, by universities and by public research centres. Account will also be taken of the main problems emerged following controls carried out in Italy on FP7 projects, by examining case studies: from such analysis forecasts and assumptions on controls on Horizon projects will derive.

The course will allow to discuss a check-list useful to standardise relevant procedures and to reduce the uncertainties related to the elements to be assessed during audits.

The second part of the course, instead, will be dedicated to an exercise which will allow participants to simulate responding to an audit: the course attendees will take part in a role play, alternatively performing the role of “controller” and “controlled” under the trainer’s supervision.

The training course will cover the following topics:
- The principles governing auditing activities;
- The procedures for reporting and for archiving documentation;
- Reporting rules and provisions applying to FP7 and to Horizon projects;
- The check-list for auditing activities for each cost category;
- The documentation required for each cost category;
- Auditing procedures;
- The drafting of the review report; follow-up;
- Controls and sanctions;
- Practical exercise: simulation of an audit in the form of a role play.

The course specifically addresses the needs of professionals and project managers who are involved in the management of H2020 projects, both in the private and the public sector. The course can be an effective tool to help participants to successfully manage projects, as well as to further develop their internal project management strategies. It can also provide a good opportunity to network and to share good practices.

THE COURSE WILL BE HELD IN ITALIAN. Courses can also be offered in English on demand.

Dates: Wednesday 25 May 2016 (from 09:00 to 17:00); Thursday 26 May 2016 (from 09:00 to 17:00).

COURSE FEE: € 1000+VAT. The fee includes tuition, full documentation (both in printed and electronic format), course certificate, coffee breaks and lunches.

Course venue: Centro Congressi Palazzo Stelline.

Deadline for registration: 18 May 2016.

Read more:
Response to the auditing activity of the European Commission in FP7 and in Horizon 2020

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