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31/08-02/09/2016 - The 1st International Workshop: “Social collaboration in trusted, user-driven software development” (Austria)

The CloudTeams H2020 project organises the 1st International Workshop on “Social collaboration in trusted, user-driven software development” to be held during the ARES 2016 conference. Topics include approaches towards addressing and involving unknown customers in the software development process, Experiences with end-user participation in cloud based software development processes, Privacy and anonymization techniques in acquiring users feedback, etc.

CloudTeams organises SOCOTUD 2016, the 1st International Workshop on “Social collaboration in trusted, user-driven software development” to be held in conjunction with the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2016, held at the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security between August 31 – September 2, 2016 in Salzburg, Austria.

The workshop is organized by the CloudTeams project (Collaborative Software Development Framework based on Trusted, Secure Cloud-based Pool of Users is a research project), funded by the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Horizon 2020, under Grant Agreement No: 644617.

List of Workshop Topics:
- Recent approaches towards addressing and involving unknown customers in the software development process
- Experiences with end-user participation in cloud based software development processes
- Privacy and anonymization techniques in acquiring users feedback
- Third party cloud based services exposing user’s data and privacy respect
- Establishing trust mechanisms in communities
- Experiences with third-party service integration
- Experiences with rewarding customers.

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“Social collaboration in trusted, user-driven software development”

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